Web Technologies Used by miabonyunk.hu

Website miabonyunk.hu is using 13 web technologies.

AddToAny is a universal sharing platform that can be integrated into a website by use of a web widget or plugin.

The Apache HTTP Server is free and open-source cross-platform web server software, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation.

YouTube is a free video sharing website that allows users to watch, share, like, comment, and upload videos. It was founded in February 2005 by three former PayPal employees, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. YouTube has become a platform for users to watch and share videos, as well as a platform for users to create and upload their own original content. It provides a wide range of categories, from entertainment and music to news, tutorials, and more. YouTube also has a large community of viewers, with more than 2 billion users logging in every month. YouTube is also available in more than 80 languages and is now available in more than 100 countries.

Facebook Login is a way for people to create accounts and log into your app across multiple platforms.

TinyMCE is an online rich-text editor released as open-source software. TinyMCE is designed to integrate with JavaScript libraries, Vue.js, and AngularJS as well as content management systems such as Joomla!, and WordPress.

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a general-purpose programming language originally designed for web development. PHP code may be executed with a command line interface (CLI), embedded into HTML code, or used in combination with various web template systems, web content management systems, and web frameworks.

Debian is a Unix-like operating system consisting entirely of free and open-source software.

jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax. It is free, open-source software using the permissive MIT License.

Font Awesome is a font and icon toolkit based on CSS and LESS. It was made for use with Twitter Bootstrap.

Adobe Dreamweaver is a proprietary web development tool from Adobe Inc.

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It provides valuable insights into website traffic, user behavior, and marketing performance. With Google Analytics, you can gain insights into your website’s audience, their location, the pages they visit, the content they view, and more. Google Analytics also offers powerful segmentation capabilities and advanced reporting features, allowing you to create custom reports and better understand your website’s performance.

Sovrn//Commerce is a content monetization tool for publishers.

Twitter Ads is an advertising platform for Twitter 'microblogging' system.

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