Web Technologies Used by bcg.com

Website bcg.com is using 13 web technologies.

Adobe Experience Cloud Launch is an extendable tag management solution for Adobe Experience Cloud, Adobe Experience Platform, and other applications.

Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based, object-oriented, and designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.

Babel is a free and open-source transcompiler for writing next generation JavaScript.

Modernizr is a JavaScript library which is designed to detect HTML5 and CSS3 features in various browsers, which lets JavaScript avoid using unimplemented features or use a workaround such as a shim to emulate them. Modernizr aims to provide this feature detection in a complete and standardized manner.

jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax. It is free, open-source software using the permissive MIT License.

core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript, with polyfills for cutting-edge ECMAScript features.

lit-element is a simple base class for creating web components that work in any web page with any framework. lit-element uses lit-html to render into shadow DOM, and adds API to manage properties and attributes.

lit-html is a simple, modern, safe, small and fast HTML templating library for JavaScript.

Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service creates identity graphs that hold customer profiles and the known identifiers that belong to individual consumers.

Akamai Technologies, Inc. is an American content delivery network and cloud service provider.

Akamai Bot Manager detect bots using device fingerprinting bot signatures.

Adobe Analytics is a web analytics, marketing and cross-channel analytics application.

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