Web Technologies Used by yelp.com

Website yelp.com is using 9 web technologies.

Envoy is an open source edge and service proxy, designed for cloud-native applications.

Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis.

core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript, with polyfills for cutting-edge ECMAScript features.

Loadable-Components is a library to solve the React code-splitting client-side and server-side.

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications, as it is optimal for fetching rapidly changing data that needs to be recorded.

OneTrust is a cloud-based data privacy management compliance platform.

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network offered by Amazon Web Services.

Bugsnag is a cross-platform error monitoring, reporting, and resolution software for web, server, and mobile apps.

Zipkin is a distributed tracing system. It helps gather timing data needed to troubleshoot latency problems in service architectures.

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