Web Technologies Used by kfc.com.my

Website kfc.com.my is using 14 web technologies.

New Relic is an American software analytics company based in San Francisco, California.

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.

TypeScript is an open-source language which builds on JavaScript by adding static type definitions.

Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler, primarily for JavaScript, but it can transform front-end assets like HTML, CSS, and images if the corresponding plugins are included. Webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.

Lodash is a JavaScript library which provides utility functions for common programming tasks using the functional programming paradigm.

Slick is a jQuery plugin for creating responsive and mobile-friendly carousels (sliders).

jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax. It is free, open-source software using the permissive MIT License.

Apollo is a fully-featured caching GraphQL client with integrations for React, Angular, and more.

core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript, with polyfills for cutting-edge ECMAScript features.

Adobe Client Data Layer is a framework of JavaScript objects on your site that contains all variable values used in your implementation.

PWA Studio is a collection of tools that lets developers build complex Progressive Web Applications on top of Magento 2 or Adobe Commerce stores.

Treasure Data is the only enterprise customer data platform.

Fastly is a content delivery network (CDN) and edge cloud platform that offers a range of services to help businesses with their web performance and security needs. From high-speed content delivery to web application firewalls, Fastly has a range of features designed to help businesses improve site performance and protect their data. Fastly’s technology helps businesses reduce latency, improve scalability and reliability, and enable secure and compliant operations. Fastly also offers a range of analytics tools to help businesses understand how their sites are performing and identify opportunities for improvement. With a global network of servers and data centers, Fastly provides businesses with the tools they need to deliver a great user experience.

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