Websites Using MySQLMySQL in Uzbekistan (.uz)

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Databases Market Share in Uzbekistan (.uz)
MySQL Market Share in Uzbekistan (.uz) on websites using Databases

MySQL Market Share in Uzbekistan on 10,000 most visited websites (Top 10K), on 1 million most visited websites (Top 1M) and on all websites using Databases.

About MySQL

MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL). It is one of the most popular RDBMSs and is used to store, organize, and retrieve data for a wide variety of applications. MySQL is used by many web-based applications, including WordPress, Drupal, and other content management systems. It is also used in many enterprise applications, such as banking, shopping, and e-commerce systems. MySQL is easy to use and can be quickly set up and configured on most operating systems. It is highly secure and supports a wide range of features that make it a robust and reliable database solution.

Official website:

Usage statistics of MySQL: We have 3,203 websites using MySQL in Uzbekistan (.uz) in our database.
MySQL has a 98% market share in Databases in Uzbekistan.

See all 20,979,315 websites using MySQL.

MySQL Market Share History in Uzbekistan (.uz) on Websites Using Databases in Last 12 Months
Month June 2023July 2023August 2023September 2023October 2023November 2023December 2023January 2024February 2024March 2024April 2024May 2024
Market Share97.59%97.92%98.19%98.31%98.37%98.25%98.34%98.37%98.37%98.31%98.40%98.43%
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